Test Taking & Time Management

Tips for Successful Test Taking:

  1. Be prepared by studying for your test.

  2. Get enough sleep the night before your test.

  3. Take a deep breath and relax your muscles and mind before your test.

  4. When you receive the test, be sure to read it through fully to understand all directions.

  5. Before handing in your test, read your answers over.

If you are a student who experiences test anxiety, TeenHealthFX suggests reaching out to a trusted adult. You can speak with your parents, school guidance counselor, nurse or teacher. Your trusted adult of choice can help refer you to a certified mental health professional.

If you live in northern New Jersey and need help finding a therapist you can call the Access Center from Atlantic Behavioral Health at 888-247-1400. Outside of this area you can log onto the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website for referrals in your area. You can also contact your insurance company to get a list of in-network mental health providers or check with your school social worker or psychologist to get a list of referrals in your area.

TeenHealthFX recommends the following resources for additional successful test taking tips:


  1. https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/testing-tips.html?ref=search&WT.ac=msh-t-dtop-en-search-clk

  2. https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/test-anxiety.html