I Need Help

Published: October 10, 2019
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I have a huge problem . Im 19 and I don't leave my house I haven't in over 3 years now . Its so bad to where I can't even go to the store . I can't go outside and just sit down . I can't do anything much anymore and I realized its not doing anything good for me . I am not so sad as I used to be so I don't understand why I can't get myself to socialize . I fear I will always be like this . I'm not afraid of being alone but I just know it's not good for me . in Mental Health America
Signed: I Need Help

Dear I Need Help ,

TeenHealthFX is sorry to hear of your current situation. Admitting that you are struggling is a great first step in getting the help that you need to get better.  Unfortunately, we cannot diagnose over the internet. 

We recommend that you talk to a parent or trusted adult about what you are going through and seek out professional help from a mental health professional.  If you live in northern New Jersey and need help finding a therapist you can call the Access Center from Atlantic Behavioral Health at 888-247-1400. Outside of this area you can log onto the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website for referrals in your area.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
