Why Do Boys Stare at My Breasts?

Published: April 10, 2018
Dear TeenHealthFX,
My question is why do boys stare at my breasts?I am 12 years old. My breasts are a bit oversized and it makes me feel in comfortable. Boys at my school sometimes stare at my parts. Should I tell someone about this?
Signed: Why Do Boys Stare at My Breasts?

Dear Why Do Boys Stare at My Breasts?,

At 12 years of age, hormonal changes are starting to kick in for most males and females. These hormonal changes can explain your breast development. They also partly explain why the boys seem to be staring more. The staring is probably a combination of increased interest levels in sexualized thoughts and feelings without having been taught it is rude and disrespectful to stare.

TeenHealthFX can appreciate your discomfort. It can be difficult for women and young women to be getting this kind of attention. FX does recommend that you let a parent/guardian know about it, as well as someone in your school – perhaps your school nurse or a school counselor. That way, someone can give you the guidance and support you need to deal with the discomfort you have, as well as intervene in terms of educating the students about what is and what is not appropriate behavior as they start to experience various hormonal changes.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
