I am 15 and Have Not Had a Period. Is This Normal?
TeenHealthFX wants to assure that it is normal not to have a period by the time you are 15 years old. In fact, Kids Health explains that the average age of a girl’s first period can be between ages 10 and 15. It can also be as early as 8 years old and as late as 18 years old.
A lot of the timing of your first period can also be related to your genetics. It may be a good idea to ask your mom or other female relative when they got their first period and talking to them about your concerns. This can help give you a good idea when you may get yours and better understand the changes you are going through. If you are still concerned, you can get checked out by a doctor. He/she will be able to help answer any additional questions you may have. You can also check out our Understanding Puberty: Girl’s Edition page for helpful information.