Male Masturbation Inquiries

Published: April 03, 2018
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I m a teenage boy. After I masturbate, a liquid comes out of my penis. How do I know if this is semen or urine? Also, is it ok to masturbate everyday?
Signed: Male Masturbation Inquiries

Dear Male Masturbation Inquiries ,

For our readers who may be unaware, masturbation is when people touch themselves for sexual pleasure.  It is common for people of any age and gender to masturbate. Most choose to masturbate because it makes them feel good. Some additional benefits to masturbation may include:

  • No risk of STD's or pregnancy
  • Releases sexual tension
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Improves your self-esteem and body image
  • Helps treat sexual problems
  • Relieves menstrual cramps and muscle tension
  • Strengthens muscle tone in your pelvic and anal areas   


First, you inquired about how often you can masturbate. Masturbation only becomes "too much" when it interferes with your life and responsibilities. If this is evident, TeenHealthFX suggests meeting with a therapist. Some additional facts about masturbation include:

  • Masturbation should only occur in private.
  • Some religions and groups do not support the practice of masturbation.   


Secondly, you stated that after you masturbate, liquid comes out of your penis, and you are unaware if this is semen or urine. There are three liquids that come out of a man’s penis, including:

  • Urine: Yellow-tinted clear liquid
  • Pre-ejaculate: Clear liquid, thicker than urine
  • Semen: Whitish-yellow, thicker than pre-ejaculate. (This is the liquid released during ejaculation.)  


TeenHealthFX recommends the following resources for additional information:

Signed: TeenHealthFX
