I Felt a Sharp Pain in My Testicle. Should I Be Concerned?

Published: May 19, 2022
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Dear Teen Health Fx I’m writing because a week ago I jumped into bed and I guess I put my full weight and I felt a sharp pain in my testicles.After that the pain did not continue but for a couple of days I found it hard to get comfortable like when sitting for example. Because I was not in pain I did not go to a doctor but I don’t know if I did some real damage or not please help Concerned
Signed: I Felt a Sharp Pain in My Testicle. Should I Be Concerned?

Dear I Felt a Sharp Pain in My Testicle. Should I Be Concerned?,

Unfortunately, TeenHealthFX cannot diagnose or treat over the internet. Since you mention feeling a really sharp pain, we strongly suggest you be checked out by your primary care doctor or a urologist (a doctor who specalizes in these type of issues). They will be able to determine what is going on and the best way to treat it. If you are experiencing any more uncomfortable symptoms such as increased pain, pain while urinating, redness, or swelling, please contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

Signed: TeenHealthFX
