What Is The Best Way To Remove Pubic Hair?

Published: May 03, 2018
Dear TeenHealthFX,

I am a teenage boy. I have recently started growing hair around my penis. It is uncomfortable and I do not like it. What is the best way to get rid of it?

Signed: What Is The Best Way To Remove Pubic Hair?

Dear What Is The Best Way To Remove Pubic Hair?,

Puberty is a time in life when your body grows and undergoes changes. This generally begins between ages 9-15 in males. At the start of puberty, hair will sprout on your pubic area, growing darker and thicker with time. Additional signs of male puberty may include:

  • Hair growth under arms
  • Weight and muscle gain
  • Lengthening and widening of the penis
  • Enlargement of the testes
  • Acne (pimples)
  • Body odor
  • Beginning of male erections


Some men choose to trim, shave, wax or simply leave pubic hair alone. Young Men’s Health recommends the following tips for hair removal safety:

  • Trim as much hair as possible before you begin shaving – DON’T use a dull pair of scissors.
  • Soak in the tub for at least 5 minutes to soften the skin and pubic hair before you shave.
  • Apply shaving cream or gel with aloe vera or another soothing agent (made for men) over all the areas you plan to shave. Reapply as needed.
  • Use a new/sharp razor – DON’T use a dull blade or disposable razor.
  • Hold the skin tight with one hand and shave with the other hand. Avoid using too much pressure.
  • Shave in the direction that the hair grows, using slow strokes.
  • Rinse your skin with warm water after you are done shaving and then pat dry.
  • Apply baby oil or lotion with aloe vera to the shaved area when you’re done. Avoid scented products because they may sting your skin.


Further, removing pubic hair may result in uncomfortable side effects, including yet not limited to: razor burn, redness, itching cuts, pimples and/or ingrown hairs. If these symptoms do not go away, and/or heighten to severe rash, fever, bleeding, discharge and/or pus, contact your doctor immediately.

TeenHealthFX recommends the following resources for additional information on puberty and male hair growth:

Signed: TeenHealthFX
