My Boyfriend and I Had Outercourse, But I'm Still Scared I Could Be Pregnant

Published: July 24, 2017
Dear TeenHealthFX,
Hi, Last Saturday my boyfriend and I had outercourse in which we did genital to genital contact minus penetration or ejaculation. I am really scared though that I could be pregnant plus my breasts are really sore. I had asked two pharmasists whether to take plan B but they said that I don't need it. I am really scared, if I am pregnant I really don't know what to do.
Signed: My Boyfriend and I Had Outercourse, But I'm Still Scared I Could Be Pregnant

Dear My Boyfriend and I Had Outercourse, But I'm Still Scared I Could Be Pregnant,

Pregnancy occurs when sperm (contained in a male’s ejaculatory fluids and sometimes pre-ejaculatory fluids) comes in contact with the vagina. What you described above does not sound like a situation where your boyfriend’s sperm were in direct contact with your vagina, so FX cannot imagine how you could possibly be pregnant from this particular interaction between you and your boyfriend.

Given your anxiety about this, you could start by talking to a parent. Planned Parenthood offers two great articles that might help guide you in how to approach your parents about this: Should I Talk to My Parents about Sex? and How Do I Talk to My Parents About Sex?

TeenHealthFX also thinks that it would be very helpful for you to speak to a medical health professional, such as your primary care physician, adolescent medicine specialist or gynecologist about some various sexual health issues given how concerned you are about this. It would be helpful for you to learn how pregnancy occurs, to find out about safer sex precautions and to talk to someone about your own sexual readiness given how frightened you are about the idea of potentially being pregnant and having to look at your pregnancy options. A doctor could also confirm that you are not pregnant, which might help put your mind at ease.

If you don't have a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center or Planned Parenthood. A Planned Parenthood health center is a good option if you have concerns about cost or confidentiality issues. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
