No One Knows I Am Pregnant

Published: September 27, 2019
Dear TeenHealthFX,
No one knows I am pregnant and I am starting my Senior year of high school. I am a state champion basketball player and now I think I am going to lose my chances of scholarships for college. What should I do?
Signed: No One Knows I Am Pregnant

Dear No One Knows I Am Pregnant,

TeenHealthFX can appreciate that you may be feeling overwhelmed, scared and confused about what to do. Being a senior and star basketball player are both huge accomplishments. Even though it may seem scary it is time to put your health first and ask for help. It is crucial that you talk to your parents , school counselor, school nurse or other trusted adult as soon as possible.

You need to be seen by an OBGYN (a doctor that specializes in pregnancy) to confirm your pregnancy. They will also be able to discuss your options. 

In addition, you should discuss with your parents, school counselor and coach how to best handle your education – there is no reason why you should have to abandon your college dreams. If you decide to keep the pregnancy, you and your parents can check what your high school’s policy is in terms of attending while pregnant. 

TeenHealthFX cannot tell you what to do in this situation – what you need to do is think about what is best for you and your future. It a decision that only you can make. 

If you need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.

Signed: TeenHealthFX
