How Do I Stay Motivated During Quarantine?

Published: January 25, 2021
Dear TeenHealthFX,
hey TFX how do i stay motivated during quaranyaine? i just cant get myself to concentrate on classes, but also the things i love doing are less fun. any tips?
Signed: How Do I Stay Motivated During Quarantine?

Dear How Do I Stay Motivated During Quarantine?,

TeenhealthFX understands your struggles and wants to assure you that you are not alone. Learning on-line can be very challenging especially with many distractions around. We recommend trying to set up a quiet, empty space as your workspace. Try to keep it as clean and as clear as possible to avoid anything that may distract you from paying attention in class. By setting up a workspace, it can help you stay organized and have the ability to focus easily on the task you are working on.

We also understand the struggle of not being able to do things we usually enjoy. Maybe try picking up a new hobby? Think of something new you can try at home.  You can also sit outside (if its warm enough), go for a walk, or do something masked and socially distanced to experience a change of scenery.

Our recent hot topics cover self-care tips as well as COVID-19 and Outdoor safety . We hope this helps!  

Signed: TeenHealthFX
