Nausea and Cramping Due to Birth Control?
I'm 14, a virgin, and on birth control due to bad period cramps and i'm on my second week and i'm having severe nausea and cramping. is this normal? I'm very anxious about all this.
Nausea is one of the most common side effects of taking birth control pills. Nausea tends to happen early on in taking the pill and often subsides over time. For more information on how to deal with this issue, please read the Healthline article Nausea and Birth Control Pills: Why It Happens and How to Prevent It. As for the cramping, some women report an increase in cramps after starting birth control pills, however, the majority of women report a decrease in cramping.
Since you have been prescribed birth control to help your cramps and they have gotten worse, and since you stated that the side effects that you are experiencing are “severe,” TeenHealthFX recommends you check in soon with the doctor who is prescribing you the birth control so you can find out whether or not you need to be switched to an alternate type of birth control.
If for some reason you need to find a new doctor and you live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.