Afraid of Passing on an STD to My Wife
3.5 weeks ago, I had unprotected oral sex with a female. I was super drunk and do not recall any other sexual contact. I freaked out and took 1.5 grams of Zithromax three days after exposure and two days after that, I got a 1 gram shot of ceftriaxone. Nine days after the shot, I had unprotected sex with my wife. It has now been 1.5 weeks since the encounter with my wife, and she hasn't acted like she has any symptoms. I do not have discharge or any burning during urination but it does feel like my inner thighs are tender and I have a frequent urge to urinate. Is this guilt or anxiety driven ? I am obviously over thinking the whole situation as I wholeheartedly regret the state of mind I allowed the alcohol to put me into. I have had no tests done because I was assured the meds would prevent anything that I may have caught and I was at a really low risk for anything else.
If you have not gotten tested for STDs, TeenHealthFX would suggest that you speak to medical health professional about it. You mentioned that your wife has not “acted like she has any symptoms,” however, people can be carrying various STDs and not be symptomatic for some time. In addition, to getting yourself tested it would be best to tell your wife what happened. For one thing, she deserves to know the truth in terms of ensuring her own medical well-being. Second, if you had unprotected sex with someone other than your wife, it could definitely be an indication that there is something in your marriage that needs to be addressed. There is a very effective type of couples therapy called EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) that TeenHealthFX would recommend for you and your wife to address what happened. You can click here to find a therapist in your area who practices this modality of couples therapy. When you are working with a reputable EFT couples therapist, it is very possible to work towards healing the wounds associated with infidelity.
If you don't have a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist or contact your local teen health center or Planned Parenthood. A Planned Parenthood health center is a good option if you have concerns about cost or confidentiality issues. You can also contact your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.